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Recent content by Mas.CMDR

  1. M

    Beginner question

    I was told this morning that I don't have enough margin. What's the minimum amount I need? Is that because of Galileo FX or MetaTrader?
  2. M

    New Member (hello) and issue I hope someone can help with

    How can I get my laptop to run the bot successfully?
  3. M

    New Member (hello) and issue I hope someone can help with

    I want to move from my lap top to mobile after I confirm that my bot is working. But now, the only trades I see are two buy limits that I cancelled and my initial deposit. I installed on Oanda MT4 per the guide and used "Fast" settings. How did you move from the installation guide to active...
  4. M

    Beginner question

    Have you had any success?
  5. M

    PRESETS FEB 26- MARCH 1,2024

    Thank you for responding! I'm just starting with Galileo, and I am hoping the 'community' will be a useful resource on this journey. It means a lot that you're deciding to assist me, especially in these early stages. Here are some details that might be important. If you think of anything else...
  6. M

    PRESETS FEB 26- MARCH 1,2024

    Hey! I'm new here and a little confused. I would appreciate some friendly guidance through the trivial introductory info before I start using my limited office hours time credit with Chris on bigger, more impactful questions.
  7. M

    New Member (hello) and issue I hope someone can help with

    Hello, This is my first day with Galileo. I followed the install instructions. I am using Oanda MT 4. I have the bot populated on 4 charts. One smiles, the others not. I cannot tell if the bot is functioning. My balance has not changed ...