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  1. M

    Galileo FX ~ Where to Begin

    What about people just starting out ? I for one certainly do not have $47 spare. What about the ones that do not have the thousand dollar accounts ?
  2. M


    Check the YT channel https://www.youtube.com/@GalileoFX
  3. M

    How do I close this ?

    Good morning, No I accidently clicked the chart at the weekend when Market was closed so It didn't activate anything. But the line is still there and I cannot get rid of it
  4. M

    Any good moderate settings for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD auto trading 24 hours.

    Try these EUR/USD stopLoss=200 takeProfit=140 iBullishX=1 iBearishX=9 magicNumber=20200311 lots=0 percRisk=1.5 iMaxOrders=1 trailingStart=2600 trailingStep=300 Test it on Long, Short, Long & short to get the best results
  5. M

    How do I close this ?

    If you look at the screenshot, There is a red line top right with an arrow. I clicked on the chart and now I do not know how to get rid of it, close it. Advice welcome before 10pm tomorrow night Thank you
  6. M

    Any good moderate settings for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD auto trading 24 hours.

    I have just back tested these setting to September and it gives good results. Will try it tomorrow night but welcome to try them yourself or anyone else
  7. M

    Are their anyone consistently making profit?

    it's quite easy to optimise, i do it daily. It's good what you learn by watching his videos
  8. M

    Any good moderate settings for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD auto trading 24 hours.

    Can you share a screenshot of the settings please ?
  9. M

    Are their anyone consistently making profit?

    You do not specify if it is a demo account or funded. and if so, how much are you playing with ?
  10. M

    Very First Order - Help!?

    It would be helpful to explain that a bit more to us new ones.
  11. M

    download app

    watch this video. Check your email for the files
  12. M

    No trades are being taken

    Already contacted :) ty
  13. M

    No trades are being taken

    I have everything set up, All good results, timeframes set but nothing for hours. I can only do it manually via open new order, but that is risky in itself. Any advice please ? Yes the Bot is running, and everything is ticked as it should be. Thanks
  14. M

    Market is Closed.. and look where it ended !

    I knew it was going to stop as the prices slowed right down. Now into the Sydney Session and just waiting for it to re open again.