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Recent content by The Common Sense Investor

  1. The Common Sense Investor

    Videos of Galileo FX in action with settings

    Yes, if you are interested you can check out the Class Schedule where I teach one-on-one personal coaching https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AXnrLwf8mbdcTZfnqS7lT1lmkI_nC9k4ZQR53BIWR-o/edit?usp=sharing
  2. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo Profits

    This is a screenshot of my trading portfolio with Galileo (and two other bots) Reach out to me if you would like to schedule a one-on-one coaching call with me to Learn how to make consistent profits with Galileo. commonsenseinvestor2022@gmail.com
  3. The Common Sense Investor

    Why Galileo FX Doesn't Make a Trade

    Are you referring to MY post?
  4. The Common Sense Investor

    Why Galileo FX Doesn't Make a Trade

    After every class people always email me and ask, "CSI, Galileo has been on for 24 hours. Why hasn't it taken a trade yet?" If you have that same problem, the answer could be as simple as one of these three problems I discuss in today's training video
  5. The Common Sense Investor

    Settings link page not valid

    Message support... i am not a Galileo employee. I just own the bot
  6. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX ~ Where to Begin

    Then how did you spend $1000 on a bot? Asking for a friend 🧡
  7. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX ~ Where to Begin

    Hello fellow Galileo FX users, If there is one predominate comment or post here, it seems to be that people are having trouble with where to start. Have no more fears. This video is a recording of a LIVE Coaching Call with a student that took my one-on-one personal coaching to help him get...
  8. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX Settings ~ January 12, 2025 & Understanding Drawdown

    Here is the Link to Today's Settings And, this is a video on How to Understand My Settings Page and Run Your Own Test
  9. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX Settings for January 17, 2025 & More

    What's up my Galileo family. I have finished the Optimization test for the 5 Currency pairs I trade. You can FIND MY SETTINGS HERE. Also, I just completed a Youtube video explaining how to test my settings for yourself to see the results. That Video is HERE And, to learn how to run a...
  10. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX Settings ~ January 12, 2025 & Understanding Drawdown

    I don't use "Risk %". I use "Fixed Lot Sizes"
  11. The Common Sense Investor

    Galileo FX Settings ~ January 12, 2025 & Understanding Drawdown

    Good morning everyone, I have completed a complete Optimization Test on the 5 currency pairs I use. HERE is a LINK to the SETTINGS Also, I did a video explaining how and why I have updated my settings spreadsheet in Goolge. Last week, I heard the cry of several new people as it related to...
  12. The Common Sense Investor


    Thank you for the recommendation. My Youtube channel with the Galileo FX Playlist full of teachings are here and if you want to schedule a one-on-one coaching call, check the class schedule and email me a date and time you wish to have your class.
  13. The Common Sense Investor

    Looking for Coaching on Back Testing and Optimizing

    If you are looking for one on one coaching, I offer that. First, join my Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest. Then, check the class schedule, find a time and date open and email me. CSI
  14. The Common Sense Investor

    Sell orders

    The bot works on CONSECUTIVE bullish and bearish signals. This means, according to your settings 8/5, it has to see 8 bullish signals in a row or 5 bearish signals in a row. It seems like the bot isn't reading 8 consecutive bullish signals yet to make a short entry. However, it is seeing 5...
  15. The Common Sense Investor


    Hi Todd, What can I help you with. I have made several video teaching on Galileo. You can find my playlist here. And, message me if you have any particular questions.