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  1. T


    @ramirovicente The settings change from time to time depending on... trends and what not. Here are the latest suggested settings I think: https://galileofx.community.forum/threads/preset-oct-9-14.231/
  2. T

    Galileo FX personal

    2: Yes
  3. T

    Can't change settings

    And did you doubble click on the value that you want to change?
  4. T

    PRESET OCT 9-14

    Yes I use it as a reference. And I'd say especially on the shorter time frames where trends change more often you'd need to make adjustments more often. Yes that would be nice but... ;)
  5. T

    PRESET OCT 9-14

    I don't think @Vinz or anyone can predict the future. What can be said is what has worked before. So provided the trends, the stars and everything else is the same as last week the settings that worked last week could/should work this week.
  6. T

    One direction Trading

    No idea! I only work in MT4 ;)
  7. T

    One direction Trading

    Yes. At least in MT4 there's a drop down where you can choose "Only short", "Only long" or "Long and short". That in combo woth your bullish and bearish signals will trigger only long or short trades.
  8. T

    Invalid stops

    If you haven't solved this... You may have put your stops to narrow. I think that if you put your stop at i.e. 20 points that is only 2 pips and that may well be within the spread. So I would check that.
  9. T

    aggressive Setting with 2 Charts: only Long and another ist only short

    I just now learned that 50 points = 5 pips. So perhaps your stop loss is to small or narrow?
  10. T

    Invalid stop loss

    Aha! Thanks!
  11. T

    Invalid stop loss

    I get the message "Sell order failed! Invalid stops retry...". How can I prevent this?
  12. T

    Galileo best in trending or sideways market?

    Would you say that Galileo works best in a clear trend or in a sideways choppy market?