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Tweaking settings: How many currency pairs do y'all trade simultaneously?


New member
I know Galileo can take up to 20 charts at a time, but are there any caveats y'all have noticed when the number of charts go up?

I'm fairly new and my thought is that I can quickly iterate and tweak setting if I used Galileo on multiple charts/currencies with a small lot size. I plan to document and analyze. Any criticism to this approach?

Any other ideas or processes to arrive at optimal settings quickly?

Thank you.
Hey @QuantumTrader Glad to know your excitement related to Galileo FX. Yes, you can add charts, however, my humble suggestion is that you should watch for drawdown and your strategies. If you can bear the risk then only use it on a real account. And to understand this I recommend trying exactly what you want to do on a demo account. Thanks.
Hello Sanchay,
Thanks for your reply. My question applies to Demo account as well.

If Galileo is added to additional charts, is there going to be any impact to charts optimized earlier?
For example, at a high level, would Galileo try to load balance trades or reduce lot size (in case of dynamic) or reduce number of trades/currency pair as the number of charts it is added to increases?

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