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Back-tested in the most recently occurring uptrend and downtrend markets...


New member
First of all, I am Japanese and not good at English.
I am using machine translation, so please forgive me if there are grammatical errors or parts that are difficult to understand.

Backtested in uptrend and downtrend as shown in the attached image.
Hourly, US$100 margin.

The settings are not premium values, but values derived using optimization tests.

This number is the number that was profitable and had the lowest maximum drawdown.
(Maximum drawdown less than 25%).

As you can see from the table in the image, the settings that are most profitable in an uptrend are
Bullish values were high and Bearish values were low.
Galileo FX may be a contrarian tool rather than a trend-following tool.

I used Trading View to determine the trend, but my trend judgment may have been wrong.

If you have any requests for a backtest of this stock over this time period, please comment and I will try to do a backtest.

The broker I am using is XM Trading Kiwami account.

I would like to know what is the uptrend of this stock from what date to what date.
I would like to have such information. I would be happy to do a backtest based on such information and share the results.

Thank you in advance.


  • スクリーンショット 2024-07-29 192920.png
    スクリーンショット 2024-07-29 192920.png
    32.1 KB · Views: 107
Thanks for your informatory post, yama214.

I would like to clarify somethings for you, I agree that GalileoFX is a contrarian trading EA however, its settings can be customized for following bullishness or bearishness. Its settings are highly customizable and I would recommend you to go through the following links and read about the settings and working of EA:
Thanks for the purchase.
-Sanchay Kasturey

いくつかの点を明確にしておきたいのですが、GalileoFX は逆張りのトレーディング EA であることには同意しますが、その設定は強気または弱気に従ってカスタマイズできます。その設定は高度にカスタマイズ可能で、次のリンクにアクセスして EA の設定と動作について読むことをお勧めします。


What is the generally recommended drawdown?

Also, can you give me any recommendations for using Galileo?
What is the generally recommended drawdown?

Also, can you give me any recommendations for using Galileo?
  • Conservative
    A drawdown of no more than 15% is recommended, ideally 10% or less. This strategy is low-risk and aims for slow but steady income.

  • Balanced
    This is the most common strategy in Forex trading and can handle drawdowns of 20–35%.

  • Aggressive
    This strategy involves high leverage and can tolerate drawdowns of up to 50%, or even 70% when using the Martingale strategy.
Greetings yama214,

Thanks for sharing your concerns, my recommendations are:
If you are new to trading and looking for leaving trading to GalileoFX, please use conservative settings in higher timeframes that would make sure that GalileoFX trades only high probability setups (though trades would be lesser). You can visit for checking various settings, there are 20 settings available in this link backtested with various parameters suitable for traders of all the categories.

If you're an experienced trader, with understanding of markets, news, etc. My recommendation is that you can go with aggressive settings as well but please make sure that you monitor it at times of peak volatility (session opening, news, etc.) in order to make sure that you achieve profitable trading. If you are looking forward for this, please give it a month at least on a DEMO account and try to optimize the trades.

Since, you mentioned you want to run the EA for 24*7, please use conservative settings and make sure to maintain your system occasionally in order to maintain an ideal trading environment for EA.

Regarding drawdowns, based on how aggressive you want to be you may use a higher drawdown setting with higher profitability or a conservative profitability but less drawdown.

Please backtest thoroughly, then on Demo Environment and once you're satisfied with both then only go for live trading in live account. Remember, PAST PERFORMANCE DO NOT GURANTEE FUTURE RESULTS.

Please feel free to ask any more doubts.
-Sanchay Kasturey
It may work well with Galileo FX Silver.
7/31 - 8/2 Up to this point
I have tested with 100USD 0.01 lots at 400 leverage and have made more than 100USD profit.

I guess it depends on the settings, but I think it would be good to give it a try.

取引に慣れておらず、GalileoFX に取引を任せたい場合は、GalileoFX が確率の高いセットアップのみを取引するように、より長い時間枠で保守的な設定を使用してください (ただし、取引は少なくなります)。さまざまな設定を確認するには、 にアクセスしてください。このリンクには、すべてのカテゴリのトレーダーに適したさまざまなパラメーターでバックテストされた 20 の設定があります。

市場やニュースなどを理解している経験豊富なトレーダーであれば、積極的な設定でも良いと思いますが、収益性の高い取引を確実に達成するために、ボラティリティがピークになる時期(セッションの開始、ニュースなど)には必ず監視するようにしてください。これを期待している場合は、デモ アカウントで少なくとも 1 か月試して、取引の最適化を試してください。

EA を 24 時間 365 日稼働させたいとおっしゃっているので、EA にとって理想的な取引環境を維持するために、控えめな設定を使用し、定期的にシステムをメンテナンスするようにしてください。


徹底的にバックテストを行い、その後デモ環境でテストを行い、両方に満足したら、ライブ アカウントでライブ取引を開始してください。過去のパフォーマンスは将来の結果を保証するものではないことに注意してください。


Hey yama214,

Glad I could help and happy to see you are finding out profitable settings, keep on exploring our website and forum. We will do our best to provide you best settings optimized on multiple parameters.

Thanks for writing.

-Sanchay Kasturey