About the number of trades
BULL/BEAR above 10 in most cases dont do a thing
BULL/BEAR values between 6 and 10 dont affect much the number of trades
So, configuring these values should be done between 0 and 6
About the profit of trades (example in a downtrend <- This is important)
- the more the BULL value increases the worse is the result
- the more the BEAR value increases the best is the result
Having these in mind, and for this case of downtrend, the best configuration would be
Consecutive BULLS = 0
Consecutive BEARS = 6
The majority of times where BEAR number is bigger than BULL number IN DOWNTREND, the resut is positive in profit
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You can say that if you want to manage risc, make the gap smaller between BULL and BEAR number and make the numbers bigger so that you earn less but trade less
Example for downtrend:
BULL = 0 BEAR = 1 - > 777 trades and 5643 profit
BULL = 0 BEAR = 6 - > 526 trades and 12580 profit
So, in sum
UP TREND - > BULL bigger than BEAR
DOWN TREND - > BULL smaller than BEAR
The bigger the gap, the most profit you get (if you guess the trend right, so increase or decrease with the certain or uncertain of the trend)
About number of trades, in general you can say that
BULL + BEAR bigger than 12 is not expected to open trades
BULL + BEAR = 0 will open the biggest amount of trades
For each 2, will decrease the number of trades in 50% aprox.
BULL + BEAR = 0 -> 1043 trades
BULL + BEAR = 2 -> 524 trades
BULL + BEAR = 4 -> 271 trades
For all these numbers .. every value was 0 on all parameters except lot 0.05 (could be another value that the result in theory is the same)
EURCHF from 27-09-27 to 12-10-12 in M30
Hope it helps everyone, just dont use this information blindly...test it first...try in demo...and if you feel something is wrong...share it