hello guys I have something important to tell you. I have notice that when putting tp and sl in points are different from each brokers like for example I experiment using OCTAFX and ADMIRAL MARKETS. I notice that when I use 200 points in OCTA it means that its 20 pips while in ADMIRAL its only 2 pips so just experiment your broker guys because sometimes it will not execute the trade .
TP OR SL IN POINTS= 200 (20 PIPS) TP OR SL IN POINTS = 200 ( 2 PIPS ) " just set the sl or tp in 2000 in order to make a 20 pips"
TP OR SL IN POINTS= 200 (20 PIPS) TP OR SL IN POINTS = 200 ( 2 PIPS ) " just set the sl or tp in 2000 in order to make a 20 pips"