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Optimizing the Galileo FX bot for better profitability - A systematic approach


Founder & CEO @ Galileo FX
Staff member
I've noticed a fair share of questions swirling around on how to dial in the best settings for our beloved Galileo FX bot. Trust me, I get it. We all want to make this trading workhorse gallop at its best. So, I thought, why not pool our collective wisdom, learn from each other, and discover how to make the most of Galileo FX.

Getting the settings right for Galileo FX, like any trading bot, isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario. It's more of an art, complemented by a bit of science and a lot of patience.

Here's how I go about it:

First, I take a deep breath and remember what I'm after. Is it the total net profit, the Sharpe ratio, or is it about managing the drawdown? Having clear objectives is half the battle won.

Next, I put on my lab coat and do some backtesting on MetaTrader 5. It's a nifty platform that lets me test how Galileo FX would have performed using historical market data. Though remember, as any wise trader will tell you, past performance is not indicative of future results. But as Warren Buffett says, in business, looking at the past is a good way to predict the future.

Once I've got a hang of the baseline performance, I start experimenting. I begin toying with Galileo FX's parameters - the Lots, percRisk, Max Orders, stopLoss, takeProfit, TrailingStart, TrailingStep, Bullish Signals, and Bearish Signals. Be wary, though; there's a sweet spot to this. Over-optimization can turn a knight in shining armor into a damsel in distress real quick!

I also check the results posted here, along with the settings: MyFxBook Links with Settings | Page 3 | Official Galileo FX Community

After I've found settings that I'm satisfied with, I take them out for a spin in the real world. Forward testing, they call it. I put them to test in a demo account, watch, learn, and fine-tune.

Then comes the tricky bit. You see, markets are living, breathing beasts. They change their spots faster than a leopard. So, I always keep an eye on my bot's performance, ready to adjust its settings to the new norm.

Finally, the golden rule. No matter how much I trust my bot or how well it has been performing, I never forget about risk management. I make sure I'm comfortable with the maximum risk per trade. After all, we're here to make money, not lose sleep, right?

There you have it, folks, my two cents. Keep in mind, though, even the most advanced bot isn't a surefire ticket to Profitville. Be patient, manage your risks, and never bet more than what you can afford to lose.

I hope this helps you find your way to a more profitable Galileo FX experience. Keep those questions coming and remember, we're all here to learn from each other.
I must admit. The last 2 days when I followed all the advice postedd here, the settings etc, I made the best profits since I bought the bot 1 month ago.

What I learned, is to focuss on 2 or maximum 3 currency pairs. Check constantly before and during the trade how they perform on live maps, and then exit the trade when they are in profit or if I get an idea that the trend might change from bullish to bearish or vice versa.

So I sit and monitor each trade. I don't take my eyes off while it is running.
I have been on Chat with regards to pre setting for Pro. My understanding is from the chat that you simply load the pre sets into input and then let it run hence the fee for them. This should get you a great deal of accurate trading in timeframes. However after watching the video on pre set it still seems you need to change them? Can someone explain before I dive in for the Pro version. The reason to acquire pre sets is simply me not getting the results I need to become profitable.
I have been on Chat with regards to pre setting for Pro. My understanding is from the chat that you simply load the pre sets into input and then let it run hence the fee for them. This should get you a great deal of accurate trading in timeframes. However after watching the video on pre set it still seems you need to change them? Can someone explain before I dive in for the Pro version. The reason to acquire pre sets is simply me not getting the results I need to become profitable.

With Galileo FX Pro and premium settings, you're off to a great start. Its pre-set configurations are designed for diverse market conditions and serve as a solid foundation for your trades.

While regular monitoring and minor adjustments are part of the process, they're straightforward and require just a few minutes each day or even once a week However, it's worth noting that we have many instances where members have used the same settings for 6 months to a year, achieving effective performance without frequent adjustments.

This underlines the bot's robustness and the potential longevity of well-optimized settings. So, while being vigilant is necessary, it's entirely possible to find a set of parameters that can work effectively over the long term.

With Galileo FX Pro, the right settings, and a few minutes of your day, you're well-positioned for a rewarding trading journey.

Some of us are new and inexperienced traders.With your submission above,kindly share some profitable presets for the premium settings with us to have a good start. Eg for EUR/USD, XAUUSD, XAGUSD,USDCHF and their timeframe for your testing
hi just wait a moment i will give you possible presets for this week im just finalizing everything
Well noted boss.I am on standby
Hello this is the our preset for this week a result from last weeks backtest. Be standby for tomorrow I will upload the summary for the wins and losses as your refence to choose for the most profitable pairs


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Exactly, my research findings(articles,reviews,YouTube)on the premium settings are not same after l purchased the bot.The losses are unbearable especially for the EUR USD and GBPUSD.Yesterday,I slept with a balance of $500 and woke up with a balance of $120.l admit on this platform I got suggestion for my XAUUSD pair and it is doing well.I support the request for the settings for the most profitable trade.
Hi there. You may try a different setting for the bot, like slow settings.
The Slow settings are designed to minimize losses and are best for 24/7 trading. The goal is to minimize the risk of losses as much as possible while making steady profits. The bot must run 24/7 for best performance.

You may also check the settings and strategies portion of the forum page:
Great question! I've been with Galileo for 6 weeks and haven't made any money! Just can't seem to figure out what settings work for PROFIT. Frustrating! Experimenting hasn't proven effective as yet. Would really appreciate some settings advise to use, currency advise also. Thanks, John
Thanks, I don't follow when you say you have some set to buy and some set to sell??? Is that based on the bullish and bearish signal set???
I closed my eur/usd window and want to get it back, can't figure how to do it. Can you advise? I on the forex platfrom if that matters. Thanks, John